In our opinion, Voucher Books are the future! We feel that direct mail from Business to Consumer can be done so much better than what the local ad magazines can offer.
We set up Voucher Books as a real solution for businesses who want to get directly in front of consumers and ensure that they are made aware of your products and services and don’t just discard you.
Our aim is to offer real value to consumers, by presenting them with a well-designed book that isn’t just seen as a ‘marketing ploy’. We want consumers to engage with the media and to feel the books will benefit them, very much in the same way any monetary voucher would. Ultimately, by doing this, your business will receive a much higher return on your advertising investment and genuinely get you more business.

How Voucher Books Work
You, our partner, are required to offer a significant discount or promotional offer that is exclusive to Voucher Books. You can of course supply your own artwork, however, we do have a team of amazing designers that can design your voucher for you, for free.
We must insist that any artwork supplied to us is of a high standard, as we must maintain the high standard that we have become reputable for.